David D. Pokrajac and Poopalasingam Sivakumar and Yuriy Markushin and Daniela Milovic and Gary Holness and Jinjie Liu and Noureddine Melikechi and Mukti Rana. Modeling of Laser-Induced reakdown Spectroscopic Data Analysis by an Automatic Classifier International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, September 2019, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp 213-220. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41060-018-00172-y
@article{pokrajac2019modeling, author = {David D. Pokrajac and Poopalasingam Sivakumar and Yuriy Markushin and Daniela Milovic and Gary Holness and Jinjie Liu and Noureddine Melikechi and Mukti Rana}, title = {Modeling of Laser-Induced reakdown Spectroscopic Data Analysis by an Automatic Classifier}, journal = {International Journal of Data Science and and Analytics}, volume= {8}, number= {2}, month = {September}, pages = {213-220}, year = {2019} }
Piyush Sharma and Gary Holness. L2-norm Transformation for Improving k-means Clustering: Finding A Suitable Model By Range Transformation for Novel Data Analysis International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, June 2017, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp 247-266. doi:10.1007/s41060-017-0054-1
@article{sharma2017l2norm, author = {Piyush Sharma and Gary Holness}, title = {L2-norm Transformation for Improving k-means Clustering: Finding A Suitable Model By Range Transformation for Novel Data Analysis}, journal = {International Journal of Data Science and and Analytics}, volume= {TBD}, number= {TBD}, month = {TBD}, pages = {TBD}, year = {2017} }
Coming Soon.
Janelle Boyd and Gary Holness. Understanding Social Queues to Participate in a Turn-Taking Interaction with Autistic Children Academic and Research Leadership Symposium, National Society of Black Engneers 43rd Annual Convention, Kansas City, MO, March 29th - April 2nd, 2017 poster
@misc{boyd2017understanding, author = {Janelle Boyd and Gary Holness}, title = {Understanding Social Queues to Participate in a Turn-Taking Interaction with Autistic Children}, booktitle = {Academic and Research Leadership Symposium, National Society of Black Engneers 43rd Annual Convention}, year = {2017} }
Coming Soon.2016
Piyush Sharma and Gary Holness. Dialation of Chisini Jensen-Shannon Divergence 3rd IEEE International Conference Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2016), October 2016
@inproceedings{sharma2016dialation, author = {Piyush Sharma and Gary Holness}, title = {Dialation of Chisini Jensen-Shannon Divergence}, booktitle = {3rd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics} month = {October}, year = {2016} }
Coming Soon.2015
Piyush Sharma and Gary Holness and Yuri Markushin and Noureddine Melikechi. A Family of Chisini Mean Based Jensen-Shannon Divergence Kernels 14th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2015), December 2015
@inproceedings{sharma2015investigating, author = {Piyush Sharma and Gary Holness and Yuri Markushin and Noureddine Melikechi}, title = {A Family of Chisini Mean Based Jensen-Shannon Divergence Kernels}, booktitle = {14th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications} month = {December}, year = {2015} }
Coming Soon.
Piyush Sharma and Gary Holness and Sivakumar Poopalasingam and Yuri Markushin and Noureddine Melikechi. Investigating Manifold Neighborhood size for Nonlinear Analysis of LIBS Amino Acid Spectra 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2015), October 12-14, 2015 (individual paper available)
@inproceedings{sharma2015investigating, author = {Piyush Sharma and Gary Holness and Sivakumar Poopalasingam and Yuri Markushin and Noureddine Melikechi}, title = {Investigating Manifold Neighborhood size for Nonlinear Analysis of LIBS Amino Acid Spectra}, booktitle = {24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2015)} month = {October}, year = {2015} }
Coming Soon.
Piyush Sharma and Gary Holness and Poopalasingam Sivakumar and Yuri Markushin and Noureddine Melikechi. Analysis of LIBS Amino Acid Spectra and the Impact of Neighborhood Size on the efficacy of nonlinear analysis 1st Delaware Optics Symposium (DOS 2015), poster October 8-9, 2015
@inproceedings{sharma2015analysis, author = {Piyush Sharma and Gary Holness and Poopalasingam Sivakumar and Yuri Markushin and Noureddine Melikechi}, title = {Analysis of LIBS Amino Acid Spectra and the Impact of Neighborhood Size on the efficacy of Nonlinear Analysis}, booktitle = {1st Delaware Optics Symposium} month = {October}, year = {2015} }
Coming Soon.
Gary Holness and Leon Hunter. A Prototype Distributed Framework for Identification and Alerting for Medical Events in Home Care Technology Interface International Journal, Volume 15, Number 2., Spring/Summer 2015
@inproceedings{Holness2015Prototype, author = {Gary Holness and Leon Hunter}, title = {A Prototype Distributed Framework for Identification and Alerting for Medical Events in Home Care}, booktitle = {Technology Interface International Journal}, month = {Spring/Summer}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, year = {2015} }
Coming Soon.
Janelle Boyd and Gary Holness. A Framework for Perceptual Processing in Autonomous Wheelchairs poster Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM (ERN 2015), February 2015
@inproceedings{boyd2015framework, author = {Janelle Boyd and Gary Holness}, title = {A Framework for Perceptual Processing in Autonomous Wheelchairs}, booktitle = {Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM}, month = {February}, year = {2015} }
Coming Soon.2014
David D. Pokrajac and Poopalasingam Sivakumar and Yuri Markushin and Daniela Milovic and Mukti Ranai and Gary Holness and Jinjie Liu and Noureddine Melikechi. Towards Optimal Classifier of Spectroscopy Data Proceedings of the 1st International Conference onElectrical, Electronic, and Computer Engineering (icETRAN)Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, June 2014.
@inproceedings{Pokie2014towards, author = {David D. Pokrajac and Poopalasingam Sivakumar and Yuri Markushin and Daniela Milovic and Mukti Ranai and Gary Holness and Jinjj ie Liu and Noureddine Melikechi}, title = {Towards Optimal CLassifier of Spectroscopy Data}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference onElectrical, Electronic, and Computer Engineering (icETRAN)}, month = {June}, year = {2014} }
Coming Soon.
Gary Holness and Leon Hunter. A Prototype Distributed Framework for Identification and Alerting for Medical Events in Home Care Proceedings of the 4th IAJC/ISAM Joint International Conference, Sept. 2014.
@inproceedings{Holness2014Prototpe, author = {Gary Holness and Leon Hunter}, title = {A Prototype Distributed Framework for Identification and Alerting for Medical Events in Home Care}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th IJAC/ISAM Joint International Conference}, month = {Sept}, year = {2014} }
Coming Soon.
Tevin Brown and Gary Holness. Improving LIBS Analysis using Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction. poster Summer Research Symposium, Delaware State University , July 2014. poster
@inproceedings{Brown2014Improving, author = {Tevin Brown and Gary Holness}, title = {IMproving LIBS Analysis using Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction}, booktitle = {Summer Research Symposium, Delaware State University}, month = {July}, year = {2014} }
Coming Soon.
Leon Hunter and Gary Holness. Identifying Precursor Warnings of Potentially Fatal Afflictions via Web Service . poster Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM (ERN 2014), February. 2014. poster
@inproceedings{Hunter2014Identifying, author = {Leon Hunter and Gary Holness}, title = {Identifying Precursor Warnings of Potentially Fatal Afflictions via Web Service}, booktitle = {Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM}, month = {February}, year = {2014} }
Coming Soon.2013
Gabriel Calderon Ortiz and Gary Holness. Using Robots to Improve Socialization Skills of Autistic Children. poster Summer Research Symposium, Delaware State University, July 2013.
@ARTICLE{Ortiz2013Robots, author = {Gabriel Calderon Ortiz and Gary Holness}, title = {Using Robots to Improve Socialization Skills of Autistic Children}, booktitle = {Summer Research Symposium, Delaware State University}, month = {July}, year = {2013} }
Coming Soon.
Leon Hunter and Gary Holness. Identifying Precursor Warnings of Potentially Fatal Afflictions via Web Service. poster Summer Research Symposium, Delaware State University, July 2013.
@ARTICLE{Hunter2013Identifying, author = {Leon Hunter and Gary Holness}, title = {Identifying Precursor Warnings of Potentially Fatal Afflictions via Web Service}, booktitle = {Summer Research Symposium, Delaware State University}, month = {July}, year = {2013} }
Coming Soon. Tevin Brown and Gary Holness. Linkage Analysis of LIBS Protein Spectra. poster Summer Research Symposium, Delaware State University, July 2013.
@ARTICLE{Brown2013Linkage, author = {Tevin Brown and Gary Holness}, title = {Linkage Analysis of LIBS Protein Spectra.}, booktitle = {Summer Research Symposium, Delaware State University}, month = {July}, year = {2013} }
Coming Soon.2012
Paul Biancaniello, Gary Holness, Jonathan Darvill, Matt Craven, Patrick Lardieri. AIR: A Framework for Adaptive Immune Response for Cyber Defense. Journal of Intelligence Community Research and Development, permanently available on Intelink (available here at
Lockheed Martin), 25 May 2012.
@ARTICLE{Biancaniello2012AIR, author = {Paul Biancaniello and Gary Holness and Jonathan Darvill and Matt Craven and Patrick Lardieri}, title = {AIR: A Framework for Adaptive Immune Response for Cyber Defense}, booktitle = {Journal of Intelligence Community Research and Development}, month = {May}, year = {2012} }
Coming Soon.2010
Eric Eaton, Gary Holness, and Daniel McFarlane. Interactive Learning using Manifold Geometry. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-10), pp. 437–443, AAAI Press, July 11--15 2010.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Eaton2010Interactive, author = {Eric Eaton and Gary Holness and Daniel McFarlane}, title = {Interactive Learning using Manifold Geometry}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-10)}, month = {July 11--15}, location = {Atlanta, GA}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, pages = {437--443}, year = {2010}, abstract = { We present an interactive learning method that enables a user to iteratively refine a regression model. The user examines the output of the model, visualized as the vertical axis of a 2D scatterplot, and provides corrections by repositioning individual data instances to the correct output level. Each repositioned data instance acts as a control point for altering the learned model, using the geometry underlying the data. We capture the underlying structure of the data as a manifold, on which we compute a set of basis functions as the foundation for learning. Our results show that manifold-based interactive learning improves performance monotonically with each correction, outperforming alternative approaches.} }
We present an interactive learning method that enables a user to iteratively refine a regression model. The user examines the output of the model, visualized as the vertical axis of a 2D scatterplot, and provides corrections by repositioning individual data instances to the correct output level. Each repositioned data instance acts as a control point for altering the learned model, using the geometry underlying the data. We capture the underlying structure of the data as a manifold, on which we compute a set of basis functions as the foundation for learning. Our results show that manifold-based interactive learning improves performance monotonically with each correction, outperforming alternative approaches.2009
Gary Holness, and Paul Utgoff. Training Ensembles Using Max-Entropy Error Diversity, In Proceedings of the 29th International
Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, pp. 202–209, AIP Conferenc Proceedings, Dec 8, 2009.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Holness09Training, author = {Gary Holness and Paul Utgoff}, title = {Training Ensembles Using Max-Entropy Error Diversity}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering}, month = {December 9}, publisher = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, pages = {202-209}, year = {2009}, }
Eric Eaton, Gary Holness, and Daniel McFarlane. Interactive Learning using Manifold Geometry. In Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Manifold Learning and Its Applications (AAAI Technical Report FS-09-04), pp. 10–17, AAAI Press, November 5--7 2009.
Superseded by the AAAI-10 conference paper Interactive Learning using Manifold Geometry.
Superseded by the AAAI-10 conference paper Interactive Learning using Manifold Geometry.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Eaton2009Interactive, author = {Eric Eaton and Gary Holness and Daniel McFarlane}, title = {Interactive Learning using Manifold Geometry}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Manifold Learning and Its Applications (AAAI Technical Report FS-09-04)}, month = {November 5--7}, location = {Arlington, VA}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, pages = {10--17}, year = {2009}, }
Gary Holness. A Statistical Approach to Improving Accuracy in Classifier Ensembles. PhD Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst, September 2008.
@THESIS{Holness2009StatisticalApproach, author = {Gary Holness}, year = {2008}, title = {A Statistical Approach to Improving Accuracy in Classifier Ensembles}, institution = {University of Massachusetts Amherst}, pages= {274}, month = {September}, }
G. Holness. A Direct Measure for the Efficacy of Bayesian Network Structures Learned from Data. In P. Perner(Ed.), Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern
Recognition, LNAI 4571, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 601-615.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Holness2007Direct, author = {Gary Holness}, year = {2007}, title = {A Direct Measure for the Efficacy of Bayesian Network Structures Learned from Data}, booktitle = {LNAI 2007}, address = {Heidelberg, Germany}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, abstract = { Current metrics for evaluating the performance of Bayesian network structure learning includes order statistics of the data likelihood of learned structures, the average data likelihood, and average convergence time. In this work, we define a new metric that directly measures a structure learning algorithm's ability to correctly model causal associations among variables in a data set. By treating membership in a Markov Blanket as a retrieval problem, we use ROC analysis to compute a structure learning algorithm's efficacy in capturing causal associations at varying strengths. Because our metric moves beyond error rate and data-likelihood with a measurement of stability, this is a better characterization of structure learning performance. Because the structure learning problem is NP-hard, practical algorithms are either heuristic or approximate. For this reason, an understanding of a structure learning algorithm's stability and boundary value conditions is necessary. We contribute to state of the art in the data-mining community with a new tool for understanding the behavior of structure learning techniques.}
Current metrics for evaluating the performance of Bayesian network structure learning includes order statistics of the data likelihood of learned structures, the average data likelihood, and average convergence time. In this work, we define a new metric that directly measures a structure learning algorithm's ability to correctly model causal associations among variables in a data set. By treating membership in a Markov Blanket as a retrieval problem, we use ROC analysis to compute a structure learning algorithm's efficacy in capturing causal associations at varying strengths. Because our metric moves beyond error rate and data-likelihood with a measurement of stability, this is a better characterization of structure learning performance. Because the structure learning problem is NP-hard, practical algorithms are either heuristic or approximate. For this reason, an understanding of a structure learning algorithm's stability and boundary value conditions is necessary. We contribute to state of the art in the data-mining community with a new tool for understanding the behavior of structure learning techniques.
Gary Holness. Markov Blanket Retrieval: An Approach for Measuring the Efficacy of Bayesian Network Structures Learned from Data. Technical Report QLI-TR-2007-04, Quantum Leap Innovations, January 2007.
@TECHREPORT{Holness2007Markov, author = {Gary Holness}, year = {2007}, title = {Markov Blanket Retrieval: An Approach for Measuring the Efficacy of Bayesian Network Structures Learned from Data}, number = {QLI-TR-2007-04}, address = {Newark, DE}, }
Gary Holness. Heureka Technologies for Invensys-Pathfinder. Technical Report QLI-TR-2007-09, Quantum Leap Innovations, May 2007.
@TECHREPORT{Holness2007Heureka, author = {Gary Holness}, year = {2007}, title = {Heureka Technologies for Invensys-Pathfinder}, number = {QLI-TR-2007-09}, address = {Newark, DE}, }
Gary Holness. Markov Chain Monte-Carlo Simulation of Incidence of Infection and Recovery in SIR Disease Modeling. Technical Report QLI-TR-2007-10, Quantum Leap Innovations, July 2007.
@TECHREPORT{Holness2007MarkovChain, author = {Gary Holness}, year = {2007}, title = {Markov Chain Monte-Carlo Simulation of Incidence of Infection and Recovery in SIR Disease Modeling}, number = {QLI-TR-2007-10}, address = {Newark, DE}, }
M. Sieracki, E. Riseman, W. Balsh, M. Benfield, A. Hanson, C. Pilskaln, H Schultz, C. Sieracki, P. Utgoff, M. Blaschko, G. Holness, M. Mattar, D. Lisin, and B. Tupper. Automatic Classification of Plankton from Digital Images. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, Februrary 2005.
@INPROCEEDINGS{sieracki2005Automatic, author = {M. Sieracki and E. Riseman and W. Balsh and M. Benfield and A. Hanson and C. Pilskaln and H. Schultz and C. Sieracki and P. Utgoff and M. Blaschko and G. Holness and M. Mattar and D. Lisin and B. Tupper}, title = {Automatic Classification of Plankton from Digital Images}, booktitle = {ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting}, year = {2005}, month = {February}, address = {Salt Lake City, Utah}, abstract = { Marine particles, including plankton and non-living particles, play important roles in ecosystem function and material flux in the oceans. Digital imaging technology used in instruments to study these particles can rapidly produce huge archives of images that require expert interpretation. Automated methods to assist the expert interpret these images are urgently needed. We are building automatic classifier systems to work with the experts to efficiently and accurately classify images of marine particles. We will use images from in-situ camera instruments (e.g. VPR) for zooplankton and marine snow, an imaging-in-flow system (FlowCAM) for phytoplankton, and digital fluorescence microscopy for pico- and nanoplankton. Experiments were conducted using low resolution FlowCAM images of 13 classes of phytoplankton from natural communities, and a variety of image features and classifiers, including classifier ensembles. These preliminary tests yielded classification accuracy of over 70%, compared to published human expert agreement of about 80%. This indicates that automated classification will be practical to automate the majority of images. We intend to develop a probabilistic approach to particle enumeration, and to test the generality of our classifiers across instrument types. } }
Marine particles, including plankton and non-living particles, play important roles in ecosystem function and material flux in the oceans. Digital imaging technology used in instruments to study these particles can rapidly produce huge archives of images that require expert interpretation. Automated methods to assist the expert interpret these images are urgently needed. We are building automatic classifier systems to work with the experts to efficiently and accurately classify images of marine particles. We will use images from in-situ camera instruments (e.g. VPR) for zooplankton and marine snow, an imaging-in-flow system (FlowCAM) for phytoplankton, and digital fluorescence microscopy for pico- and nanoplankton. Experiments were conducted using low resolution FlowCAM images of 13 classes of phytoplankton from natural communities, and a variety of image features and classifiers, including classifier ensembles. These preliminary tests yielded classification accuracy of over 70%, compared to published human expert agreement of about 80%. This indicates that automated classification will be practical to automate the majority of images. We intend to develop a probabilistic approach to particle enumeration, and to test the generality of our classifiers across instrument types.
M. Blaschko and G. Holness and M. Mattar and D. Lisin and P. Utgoff and A. Hanson and H. Schultz and E. Riseman and M. Sieracki and W. Balch and B. Tupper. Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, Februrary 2005.
@INPROCEEDINGS{blaschko2005Automatic, author = {M. Blaschko and G. Holness and M. Mattar and D. Lisin and P. Utgoff and A. Hanson and H. Schultz and E. Riseman and M. Sieracki and W. Balch and B. Tupper.}, title = {Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision}, year = {2005}, month = {January}, address = {Breckenridge, CO}, abstract = { Earth's oceans are a soup of living micro-organisms known as plankton. As the foundation of the food chain for marine life, plankton are also an integral component of the global carbon cycle which regulates the planet's temperature. In this paper, we present a technique for automatic identification of plankton using a variety of features and classification methods including ensembles. The images were obtained in situ by an instrument known as the Flow Cytometer And Microscope (FlowCAM), that detects particles from a stream of water siphoned directly from the ocean. The images are of necessity of limited resolution, making their identification a rather difficult challenge. We expect that upon completion, our system will become a useful tool for marine biologists to assess the health of the world's oceans. } }
Earth's oceans are a soup of living micro-organisms known as plankton. As the foundation of the food chain for marine life, plankton are also an integral component of the global carbon cycle which regulates the planet's temperature. In this paper, we present a technique for automatic identification of plankton using a variety of features and classification methods including ensembles. The images were obtained in situ by an instrument known as the Flow Cytometer And Microscope (FlowCAM), that detects particles from a stream of water siphoned directly from the ocean. The images are of necessity of limited resolution, making their identification a rather difficult challenge. We expect that upon completion, our system will become a useful tool for marine biologists to assess the health of the world's oceans.
Gary Holness. Model Checking a Real-Time Foveate Controller Using Timed Automata. TR-05-56, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA, 2005.
@TECHREPORT{holness2005Model, author = {Gary Holness}, title = {Model Checking a Real-Time Foveate Controller Using Timed Automata}, booktitle = {TR-05-56}, institution = {University of Massachusetts Amherst}, year = {2005}, month = {January}, address = {Breckenridge, CO}, abstract = { Research activity in the area of smart spaces strives to endow an environment with a myriad of sensory-motor and computational devices which, together with, various learning algorithms may discern useful information about activity within the environment. Computer vision has proved an important sensory mode for uncovering features and dynamics associated with the events that occur. Tracking is an important task in visual sensing. The literature is full of many examples of real-time trackers. The proliferation of embedded computation grounded in physical systems will continue for the foreseeable future. Helping to increase the correctness of such systems means provable validation of real-time constraints. In this paper we present a system that employs the Timed Automata formalism to verify a foveate controller designed as a processing pipeline. } }
Research activity in the area of smart spaces strives to endow an environment with a myriad of sensory-motor and computational devices which, together with, various learning algorithms may discern useful information about activity within the environment. Computer vision has proved an important sensory mode for uncovering features and dynamics associated with the events that occur. Tracking is an important task in visual sensing. The literature is full of many examples of real-time trackers. The proliferation of embedded computation grounded in physical systems will continue for the foreseeable future. Helping to increase the correctness of such systems means provable validation of real-time constraints. In this paper we present a system that employs the Timed Automata formalism to verify a foveate controller designed as a processing pipeline.2004
Gary Holness and Kimberly N. Martin. Towards a Machine Learning DJ: First Experiments. Technical Report TR-04-01, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2004.
@TECHREPORT{Holness2003Context, author = {Gary Holness and Kimberly N. Martin}, year = {2004}, title = {Towards a Machine Learning DJ: First Experiments}, number = {TR-04-01}, address = {Amherst, MA}, note = {[paper]} }
Classification techniques have been applied to real world problems such as fish classification and email sorting. In this work, we introduce a new application called ANIMAL. ANIMAL is a Machine Learning Disc Jockey. A model for beat (from music) and bop (from head motion) is proposed. Using this model, we treat a listener's musical enjoyment as a classification problem. We define a beat/bop similarity metric based on harmonic matching over frequencies in the Fourier domain across the raw inputs (windowed proportionally to heterogeneous sampling rates, uncovered empirically). From our similarity metric, we define features which we use in a number of classification methods. We use both generative and discriminative methods such as Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Stochastic Gradient Linear Regression and Support Vector Machines (SVMs). We have results for a test set comprised of a 33% set aside from our corpus of data. We compare the performance of these methods among different sets of features extracted from the harmonic match. Our results show that the Naive Bayes Classifier outperforms the aforementioned classification techniques.2003
Gary Holness and Rod Grupen and Jack Wileden. Context Recovery Through Meta-Sensing. Synthesis Project (Unpublished Work), Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2003.
@misc{Holness2003Context, author = {Gary Holness and Rod Grupen and Jack Wileden}, year = {2003}, title = {Context Recovery Through Meta-Sensing}, howpublished = {Synthesis Project, University of Massachusetts-Amherst}, address = {Amherst, MA}, note = {[paper]} }
The problem of multi-source integration of scientific data requires detailed knowledge of the representational formats for all data sources participating in the application. An instance of such a system is a sensori-motor network. In such a system, the position of a subject is maintained as it moves about an instrumented space. Visual sensory modes extract salient regions of interest as potential subjects to be tracked from pictures taken from their viewpoint of a scene. We must ensure that feature vectors computed from such regions of one sensor refer to the same object in the world viewed by another sensor as pose can affect a sensor's response. Across a multi-modal sensor system, data can differ in any combination of resolution, feature vector representation, and mode. I examine the matching problem in a multi-modal sensorimotor network. Using a Convergent Computing approach for integrating poly-lingual systems, I treat feature vectors as object oriented types. With meta-information on a feature vector's structure, equivalences between two different representations can be found through a series of transformations. As disparate sensory modes diverge in their information content and semantics, the integration problem becomes more difficult. In stochastic domains, feedback from the environment can improve matching.2001
Gary Holness and Deepak Karuppiah and Subramania Uppala and Sai Chandu Ravela and Rod Grupen. A Service Paradigm for Reconfigurable Agents. Prodeedings of 2nd Workshop on Infrastructure for Agents, MAS, and Scalable MAS (Agents 2001), Montreal, Canada, 2001.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Holness2003Context, author = {Gary Holness and Deepak Karuppiah and Subramania Uppala and Sai Chandu Ravela and Rod Grupen}, year = {2001}, title = {A Service Paradigm for Reconfigurable Agents}, booktitle = {Proceedngs of the 2nd Workshop on Infrastructure for Agents, MAS, and Scalable MAS}, location = {Montreal, Canada} }
Applications of multiple processors embedded in the systems involved with entertainment, informatics, climate control, communication, transportation, and food preparation are already commonplace. A network of these embedded processors presents application development challenges since the state space grows exponentially as new devices attach to the network. The programming model for such systems will need to change if reliable systems are to be realized. By observing information about sensorimotor activity, such systems can gather information useful to programming the network. Through such interaction, a network can build hierarchies of shareable computational structures for representing various activities. This application domain presents additional challenges due to disparate sensor and actuator bandwidth, hardware disparities and partial system failure. We present an architecture that fuses sensing and control with the Jini Network Technology in a distributed sensorimotor network. This network can grow dynamically over time and facilitates the automatic creation of persistent data structures.2000
Deepak Karuppiah and Patrick Deegan and Elizeth Araujo and Yunlei Yang and Gary Holness and Zhigang Zhu and Barbara Lerner and Rod Grupen and Ed Riseman. Software Mode Changes for Continuous Motion Tracking. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Adaptive Software (IWSAS2000), Oxford, England, 2000.
@INPROCEEDINGS{karuppiah2000Software, author = {Deepak Karuppiah and Patrick Deegan and Elizeth Araujo and Yunlei Yang and Gary Holness and Zhigang Zhu and Barbara Lerner and Rod Grupen and Ed Riseman}, year = {2000}, title = {Software Mode Changes for Continuous Motion Tracking}, booktitle = {International Workshop on Self-Adaptive Software (IWSAS2000)}, location = {Oxford, England} }
Robot control in nonlinear and nonstationary run-time environments presents challenges to traditional software methodologies. In particular, robot systems in "open" domains can only be modeled probabilistically and must rely on run-time feedback to detect whether hardware/software configurations are adequate. Modifications must be effected while guaranteeing critical performance properties. Moreover, in multi-robot systems, there are typically many ways in which to compensate for inadequate performance. The computational complexity of high dimensional sensorimotor systems prohibits the use of many traditional centralized methodologies. We present an application in which a redundant sensor array, distributed spatially over an office-like environment can be used to track and localize a human being while reacting at run-time to various kinds of faults, including: hardware failure, inadequate sensor geometries, occlusion, and bandwidth limitations. Responding at run-time requires a combination of knowledge regarding the physical sensorimotor device, its use in coordinated sensing operations, and high-level process descriptions. We present a distributed control architecture in which run-time behavior is both preanalyzed and recovered empirically to inform local scheduling agents that commit resources autonomously subject to process control specifications. Preliminary examples of system performance are presented from the UMass Self-Adaptive Software (SAS) platform.
Jim Waldo and The Jini Technology Team The Jini Specifications Second Edition. Chapter: The Jini Event Mailbox, 2000.
@BOOK{Waldo2000Jini, author = {Jim Waldo and The Jini Technology Team}, year = {2000}, title = {The Jini Specifications Second Edition}, institution = {Sun Microsystems Inc}, publisher = {Addison Wesely} pages= {274}, month = {December} }